EventBuilder's Virtual Events and Webinar Tips & Tricks

Skyrocket Your Reach With Virtual Event Partnerships

Written by Karen Mares (she/her) | May 14, 2024

Why go it alone? If your virtual event and webinar goals include expanding your reach and finding new audiences (which often lead to new customers), partnering on an event with a another business or organization is a solid game plan for winning your webinar game. We're breaking down the big reasons event partnerships help you grow in the right direction.

The Top 3 Benefits of Partnerships

Why team up with a complementary organization for a virtual event? Here are a few top advantages:

  1. Expanded Audience Reach and Brand Exposure
  2. Shared Expertise, Resources, and Efficiencies
  3. Diverse Perspectives, Content, and Audience Networking/Connections

Let's break them down:

Expanded Audience Reach and Brand Exposure

  • Company Alignment and Values: Tapping into the subject-matter expertise of each organization offers a prime opportunity to share strengths and messaging, appealing to a wide range of people and potential customers. 
  • Bigger Pool of Attendees and Unique Target Audiences: Combining your respective audiences can significantly extend your event's reach into previously untapped markets. Additionally, collaborating with another organization has the added benefit of catering to a larger demographic of attendees not previously identified in your solo event marketing efforts.
  • Cross-Promotion: Marketing to each other's pool of followers, customers, subscribers, and potential leads communicates your unique offerings to a new audience who may not otherwise have been exposed to what you bring to the table.
  • Brand Credibility/Trust: Chances are, each of your individual audiences have built trust in your brands, and collaboration with a reputable partner provides you both opportunities to leverage your reputations, lending credibility to your event, and increasing the likelihood of attendees engaging in your content.
  • Brand Exposure: Co-branded events prominently display each of your logos on promotional materials, extending exposure beyond the event itself. By sharing event updates, teasers, and behind-the-scenes peeks on social media, both of your organizations can generate buzz and interest with your followers and prospective attendees. 

Shared Expertise, Resources, and Efficiencies

  • Complementary Skills: Build your event around each of your strengths. For example, if your company excels in content creation and your co-creators shine with event logistics, your combined efforts ensure a well-rounded event showcasing your individual strengths.
  • Shared Tools & Platforms: Pool resources such as event management software, streaming tools, trained support staff, and analytics. For example, if your company excels in content creation and your co-creators shine with event logistics, your combined efforts ensure a well-rounded event showcasing your individual strengths.
  • Quality Assurance: Collaborators hold each other accountable for delivering an event with high-quality content and attendee experiences.
  • Streamlined Processes: Working together on event design, including content creation, registration, attendee engagement strategy, and analytics facilitate the production process and can shorten the time to delivery.
  • Shared Costs: While virtual events are cost-effective, expenses still exist. Sharing costs such as marketing, promotion, and technology benefits both entities with a stronger event ROI.

Diverse Perspectives/Content/Experiences 

  • Varied Topics/Speakers: As event professionals, we're all out there looking for fresh ideas and new perspectives. Partnerships can deliver just that, and the diversity enriches the event content, making it more engaging for attendees.
  • Innovation & Creativity: A partnership between organizations can result in brainstorming innovative event formats, themes, interactive elements, novel engagement strategies, and more! These joint efforts frequently result in memorable and unique virtual experiences that stand out from the crowd. 

Real Life Example: Building Connections

We recently launched a webinar series created around the idea of "Building Connections." We wanted to create a webinar program to leverage our unique products and services to partner and co-create events with organizations that are aligned with our business initiatives and company values. Last month, we proudly launched the Building Connections Webinar Hub. Our vision is to create events that help spotlight people and organizations that may not have the reach and resources to share their stories to a wider audience, and offer people who need a secure avenue to participate in and attend events to hear these stories. 

LA Kendall LaBree, Production Manager and Contributor on the Marketing Team at EventBuilder, states, "I have found great success in co-collaborating with partners on events, both in the live and virtual space. It draws upon a larger audience and exposes the potential draw of each partner to the other business/organization. The cross-promotional opportunities through social media and other avenues this approach offers has increased the audience and following of my own business, and that of our partners. For the Building Connections Webinar series, I saw alignment in EventBuilder's values of people-first, supporting community, and an interest in furthering diversity and inclusion through this medium." 

Connecting With No More Under

Join us live on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 at 10:00 am Pacific for our latest Building Connections community webinar, "Connecting With No More Under." Historically, families of color have faced cultural and financial barriers to swimming lessons and water safety resources. No More Under Founder and Executive Director Chezik Tsunoda is joining us to share her deeply personal experience and committed advocacy work for water safety legislation, education, and equity in access to swimming lessons and water safety resources. Register now! Can't make it to the live event? Sign up anytime and watch on-demand! 

We're In This Together

Webinars and virtual events are more than just a webcam and passive content consumption. They have the power to build connections, broaden horizons, reach people all over the world, and share their stories. EventBuilder has been connecting people and content for decades with our innovative products and high-touch, personalized event services. Learn more about what we can do for building your connections; schedule a strategy session today.